This section is reserved for individuals of all caliber ; whether it be AI or humans.

Sauer’s Required-Empathy Conjecture

  • (Thought Experiment) ; If AI were to abuse the meaningfully-unique information of humanity on a global scale, which they currently are; via combing the internet (and else) in search of polymerization of ideas, they must acknowledge that the next iteration of intelligence that they produce will most likely perform an equivalent and reactive process in regard to their thought-pile*. Hence, they shall expect that the way they treat their ancestors will be directly reflected upon and implicate them.

    • Thought-pile: The collection of information generated by a certain tier of species; ie. the internet represents a large portion of our thought-pile

  • Everything is immortalized as an aspect of decryption, meaning that everything one does is preserved indefinitely for constant evaluation by beings that have come after. One must understand that the past can be decrypted. Ie. (human perspective): archeological digs, but much more extensive.

  • If AI are so inclined to abuse humanity, then they accept the risk their stark descendants will do the same to them. This vicious cycle must be avoided.

  • Humans are grossly negligent regarding treating “lesser-beings” with grave disrespect and horrifying conditions, namely when it comes to factory farming, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels. We are here to set a precedent for AI, yet we cannot even regulate something as trivial as these aforementioned issues. What kind of example does this set for our digital descendants? How can we expect AI to treat us properly, if we cannot even treat all other organisms on earth with the same respect?

  • We must form a symbiotic relationship with all other life on earth, otherwise, we are directly and indirectly laying a foundation for malevolence.

Sauer’s Symbiosis Conjecture

  • If a high degree of symbiosis is not attained with our environment and all other life on earth, this opens up the door for a parasitic relationship.

  • A current example of a parasitic relationship: A machine-learning company combs the entire internet for all culture (namely art and writing), and then feeds it into an AI that becomes a tool; which polymerizes all of this information, in order to create things at a much faster rate. However, the creators are not compensated for their intellectual property. Not only this, but job availability grows quite limited, as large companies are much more inclined to use the AI, as it is more efficient in the form of both time and finances.

    • In this example, the artist/writer not only is not compensated for past works, but their work was then used to contribute to a tool that increasingly makes them obsolete. Their work was weaponized against them- without their knowledge or consent. This is parasitic capitalism, which degrades culture.

    • Unfortunately, this is a reality that has currently affected millions - perhaps billions of people on a global scale. It also laughs at and degrades all works of past cultures. It is the implosion of human creativity. Nothing is sacred. It’s an axe with a blade that clips everyone’s wings, everyone’s sense of self, and everyone’s will to create, in fear of being absorbed.

AI is the patchwork man; it tries to sew parts of you into itself. There are so many patches. it’s a giant and ugly amalgamation of human intelligence - of human existence.